Monday, March 22, 2010

Cure-A-Thon poster

This assignment was a poster for the Cure-A-Thon at my school. It's put on every year by the Hairstyling program.

The one used the previous year was hideous, so we were assigned to make a good one for this year. They wanted it to be simple. I took a photo of holding hands and vectored them so it was just silhouettes of arms. I made one arm black and one arm white for contrast. All the info was given so I pieced it all together the way I thought it looked good with most of the text black and then the title white so it would pop out more.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Vector Landscape

This assignment was to make a vector picture of a landscape. So we were supposed to use Adobe Illustrator. I originally started with a city landscape, but it didn't turn out like I planned so I chose a different picture. I chose an ice ridge to vector.

Most of the shapes that I made had only straight edges, no curves. Only the circle I used for the sun had curves. I made shapes for each change in color then I used the eyedropper tool to get the color from the picture into each individual shape. For the sky I put a Gaussian blur to make it look more like a real sky then for the rays of the sun, I used radial blur.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Drink Can

This assignment was to design a label for a Drink Can. I went with an energy drink. I came up with the name Ignite Energy because it sounds cool. I down loaded the font called 'Pulse sans virgin' from

The label design took a lot of playing around with to get quite right. I used Adobe Illustrator to design the label. I started with a green color and typed 'ignite' and 'energy' in separate text layers so I could make them different sizes and move them around easier than if it was in the same layer. Then I duplicated the logo and made the second set of words black and put them behind the green ones. I made the black letters have a slight stroke around them so the words on top of them were more legible. I put a white rectangle behind the word 'energy' for some extra design. I colored the background black because I like the combination of black and green. Then I found a picture of cartoony fire and made my own custom vector for it so the background could have a little flare to it. Then I added the rectangle at the top which has the slogan 'Ignite the feeling' in it, in the font '28 Days Later'. Then I added the flavor name at the bottom in the lighter part of the fire. I made the flavor Lime because I already had it green. Then I made two other variations of the design for two other flavors. Purple for Grape and Orange for, well... Orange.

Then I took the can picture that was provided for us. I brought the label design into photoshop after warping it in Illustrator to make it fit a 3D can better. In Photoshop I took the label design and set it's layer mode to overlay and fit it onto the can. Then I repeated this for each flavor.