Friday, January 14, 2011

Mini Docu-Movie

"Sorry I'm Awesome"

This assignment was to plan and film a short short film. The major part of the assignment was planning out the camera angles with storyboards. I decided to make a silly movie where I start marching to an incredibly catchy song called "Chelsea Dagger" by The Fratellis.

Rotoscoping Animation

This assignment was to create an animation in Flash by drawing over a real video.
I filmed myself strumming a guitar for a few seconds and then uploaded it to the computers, imported it into Flash, then started to draw over it. Every two frames I drew what the video looked like. I got to a certain point and I managed to loop the animation of stumming to seamlessly look like it was consistently strumming.

12th Annual KEC Show & Shine 2011

This assignment was to design a poster for this years Show & Shine at our school. Every year, people bring their cars to show them off and potentially win prizes.
I did the same assignment for the Show & Shine last year so I tried to differentiate this year's design from the last one I did. I found a photo of a Lamborghini and based the rest of the poster off of the color of the car. The look of the Typography that I went for was kind of a The Fast and the Furious kind of feel even though the font I used was from Blade Runner. I tried some cool effects on the photo of the car to make it more than just a regular photo. The amount of text and info that there was is absurd. It was difficult trying to fit it all in right.
Yes, I am aware that I spelled "Refreshments" wrong... I just didn't feel like fixing it...