Monday, November 29, 2010

Green Team Logos

This wasn't exactly an assignment, but Mrs. Buchanan asked me to design a new logo for the KEC Green Team. I thought of just making it simple and sleek so I just made the text, "Green Team" and "Kildonan East Collegiate" in very simple fonts. Then I made another variant with a slightly more cartoonish, silly font. I couldn't decide which one I liked better so I made mock-ups of each logo on real pictures of shirts.

Package Design

This assignment was to design the packaging for a product of our choosing. I chose to do a Cereal box, as did many others in the class. At first I was making a kid's cereal called "Marsh Mall-O's" But I didn't like the way it was turning out so I started over. Then I thought of making a cereal that's sounds super boring and lame. The complete opposite of Marsh Mall-O's. I went with "Flax Flakes".

I made the template myself, I just kind of eyeballed it. Wasn't sure if I had accurate dimensions. I started by making the logo of Flax Flakes look more simple and sophisticated rather than big, bold, and silly. Then I vectored the cereal bowl and the spoon. We were supposed to make 3 variations of the design. So I made the first one: "Flax Flakes Original".

The second one I made: "Flax Flakes Field Berries" and changed the background to a deep purplish-pink and added berries to the cereal bowl.

Then for the last one I made was: "Flax Flakes Chocolate", I changed the background to a light brown and added chocolate pieces to the cereal bowl.

Monday, November 1, 2010

"Yes I Can" Shirt Design

This logo design was supposed to be for kids so I made wanted to go for a fun look. I started by placing the “I” in the middle and then the “yes” and “can!” on either side of it. I moved each word the same angle. Then I made some shapes to occupy h empty space inbetween the words. At first they were just four sided shapes, then I used the Twirl Tool on both of those shapes at the same time so it would look like a swirl in the background. Then I added a 20 point stroke to the text, then copy and pasted the text, placed it over top the other text and got rid of the stroke. Now the text stands out from the swirls.