Monday, May 31, 2010

Graphics Poster

This assignment was to make a poster for graphic design. We were supposed to get a quote about graphic design and incorporate it into the design of the poster. I went with the grungey and rugged look again because I think it looks really good. I found the quote by Alexander Isley: "Good design encourages a viewer to want to learn more." I 100% agree with this quote so I chose it and brought it into the poster. I played around a lot with colors, I was originally going to go with red black and white, but I've done that so many times before. Then I thought of making it purple instead of red, but purple doesn't fit as well with the gruney look I was going for. I eventually just settled on orange. The large rectangles were just blown up letters from the font 'Capture It'. As was the rest of the text.
To complete the look of grunge, I found a picture of bark from a tree and copied it into the file. Then I made the picture 'Multiply' and decreased the opacity to 55% so it would effect the picture perfectly.

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