Friday, May 7, 2010

Magazine Page Layout

This assignment was to design a layout for a magazine spread. We had to find an article and make it look like it's from a magazine by using InDesign. I, again, couldn't think of anything to look for. So I just went with Hockey again. The article was from Chicago's Daily Herald and was written by Tim Sassone. It was about the Blackhawks winning their series and moving on to play the Vancouver Canucks.
I took the article and pasted it into the pages. We learned how to make columns and how to properly make a layout for a magazine article. Then I Made up a title, and used the previous title as a deck (tag line). I brought in some pictures from the Chicago vs Nashville playoff games and moved the test around to fit said pictures. I made some rectangles for either above or below the pictures. The color scheme there was partly for the Blackhawks black and red but then I made the long rectangle for the bottom of the pages yellow to go with the red lines o look like the boards on the sides of a hockey rink. Then I put the Blackhawks logo in the background with a very low opacity of about 8%. The pull quote I made blue to stand out from everything else so that it caught the eye. I fought to get the text to fit perfectly so it could actually look good and professional. But in the end it turned out great, for my first magazine spread layout that is.

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