Friday, February 26, 2010

Career Bridge Logo

This assignment was to design a new logo for the Career Bridge at our school. This was mostly an assignment focusing on typography. We needed to make 2 different logos. One is colored close to the school color and the other is yellow and purple.

The first logo I made used the font called 'Crazy Loop in Paris' from I made the 'C' white and the 'B' burgundy. Then I made a shape behind the letters which was the same color as the 'B' so the 'C' would show up. Then I made the words 'Career Bridge' underneath the logo in the font called 'Arial'. I aligned the text to the logo by putting extra spaces inbetween the letters.

The second logo used the font called 'Garamond'. I made the 'C' purple and the 'B' yellow. I put a white 51 point stroke on the C and moved it so it overlapped the 'B' so there was negative space around the 'C'. Then I spelled out 'Career Bridge' underneath the Logo and made the word 'Career' yellow and the word 'Bridge' purple.

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