Thursday, February 25, 2010

School Play Poster

The latest assignment was to design the poster for the school play. It's called Suds and it's about the staff of a Car Wash. I found a Picture of a Volkswagen Beetle and put it into a 11x17 document in photoshop with a blue background. I went to Image - Adjustments - Gradient Map and made the gradient go from blue to whit with hardly any transition between the two colors. Then I found a picture of a hand print and overlayed the same blue as in the background. (A part in the play is when the characters are on a television show competition where they have to keep their hand on a car, if they take it off the lose and are out. The winner wins the car. Thus, the hand prints on the car) I duplicated the hand prints and warped each one to make them look slightly different from one another. Then I used a font I downloaded from called '28 Days Later'. I spelled out the word 'SUDS', and I made an assortments of various circles to signify bubbles behind the title. I made the word 'SUDS' have a stroke of the same blue as the background so it had more contrast. I added the rest of the text to fit in the pictures. Then I made sevral variants of the poster each with a different color. Blue, Green, Red, Orange, and Purple.

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