Wednesday, February 10, 2010

CD Cover

This assignment was a CD cover. I made up a band called 'Crooked Soul' because I couldn't decide on a band to do a cover for. I found the picture of the eye here. Then I found the picture of the hurricane here. I cut out the eyeball part and inserted the hurricane into the hole that was left in the eye socket. I then took a picture of the grime for an effect from here. I erased parts of that picture so the eye could show through, then I went to Image - Adjustments - Hue and Saturation, and changed the hue to a more blue color. Then I took that layer and made it's layer mode 'Overlay'. Then I made a new layer and used the paint bucket to fill the whole canvas with a blue color and set that layer to 'Overlay' as well. I downloaded the fonts from The words 'Crooked Soul' are the font called 'Base 02', and the words 'Eye of the Storm' are the font called 'Defused'. Then I put the text all together. I gave the text an inner shadow and set all text layers to 'Overlay'. Then I added a slight white shape behind 'Crooked Soul' to make it a little more legible.

The band 'Crooked Soul' doesn't actually exist. It's just a band name I made up a while ago and so I thought i'd use it now. It originally comes from lyrics of a song by the band Switchfoot. "We are crooked souls trying to stay up straight." 'Eye of the Storm' just sounded cool so I used it as the Album title. There's blue because of the picture of the hurricane had mostly blue so I made it all fit together. I like the worn out look so I made it look old, grungey, and beat up. It's supposed to be like a metal CD so that's why it looks grimy and gritty. As you may be able to tell I like to use the layer mode 'Overlay'.

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